It's summer time. It is so time to break out your suntan lotion, pop out your swimsuit and start those summer romances. I don't know about you guys but, for me as it even gets close to summer old guys I have dated start to call back trying to date me again.
For the summer most people just claim that they want to have fun and being in a serious relationship they feel too "tied down." I have known so many people who take a break from their relationship just for that summer. My personal view on that is that you would only feel tied down if you were losing interest anyway. If he or she was making you happy you would not want to break it off no matter what season.
So....to try and help someone out there here are some guidelines when taking part in that summer romance.
1) If a summer fling is your way of entertaining yourself by all means do it but, just ensure that the other person knows what is going on. The worst thing that could ever happen is that person thinking you guys are a couple now when you just wanted to have fun...can you talk about drama waiting to happen.
2) Never get too attached because let us just be straight up here, there is a chance that the relationship was just one of convenience and you guys may never see each other again.
3) If you are thinking of having a fling one of your good friends it may be a bad idea because it can make the relationship super weird if it does not work out.
4) If you are just "playing the field" for the summer dear lord do not sleep with everyone...I mean you do not want to be seen as the summer whore. Leave something to the imagination.
5) Never do anything you will regret in the long run that you would not mind the world knowing of. So, I am begging you please don't do any sex tapes you will regret.
6) Choose where you meet your flings wisely- Do not hook up with someone at any family event...it might just turn out to be your cousin. *laughs*
7) Ensure he or she is not married. I am sure you do not want anyone's husband or wife hunting you down to tell you to stay away from their man or woman. For me I would feel so darn embarrassed.