Guys how often have you been out and see that one girl walk in with the most messed up eyebrows. I don't know about you but, I see that like almost everyday. Seriously, if you do not know how to do your brows go watch some proper youtube tutorials or just keep them natural. Please stop embarrassing yourself, I am begging here!
Worse to add fuel to fire some of your friends are telling you that you look great. I know some of you may be thinking maybe their friends don't know any better either. But, when all of your friends makeup looks professional and yours is the only one that looks like you played in crayola something in wrong.
This brings me to the point of choosing your friends wisely. You want friends that are going to tell you the truth and not just agree with you because you are popular or have money. Trust me if the only thing your friends every do is to agree with you even if they know it will lead to your demise, chances are you need new friends.
SO with all of that said if your eyebrows look like the ones in these pictures get some professional makeup classes or just watch some youtube vids until you get better.
Later guys

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