Welcome back to my blog everyone.
Sorry for the lack of blog post lately. I really wanted to start making youtube videos. But it really was not working out.
Instead, I am just going to put my message in a blog post.
I am going to give everyone my advice when it comes to motivation for success.
In this present time where almost everyone is on social media or has some affiliation with it, it has lead to this 'grass is greener on the other sign syndrome.' Basically this means that when you look at another life you think of it as somewhat better than yours. In many cases we will see where this has lead to 'haters.'
In my opinion only person who are filled with jealousy speak negativity about others with no apparent reason.
Instead of speaking negativity, why not improve yourself and become successful.
Here are some basic rules that I have for persons trying to make it on the path of success.
1. Work smart not hard- This basically means that instead of spending hours on end to get a task done, efficiency should to used. With this we could find a way to get this same task done in a matter of minutes instead of hours with the same or greater level of accuracy.

2. Listen to the advice on how to make yourself better- Even though we should focus on the advice given to us, not all persons 'giving advice' actually mean good towards you. Also, some basically have no expertise in the field you are focusing on. Surely it would not make any sense to take their advice.
3.Do not let anyone demotivate you- This being said. I do not think your head should be in the clouds. You need to be very real with yourself with what you are doing. But some person are just spiritual dream killers on assignment. So, if you spot a person like that just move away.

5. Always maintain a balance- Always remember the person who a behind you 100%. Never forget your family and the people you love after achieving success. If you are spiritual never for the God who gave these blessings to you.

For business inquires email me- tonishaepanton@gmail.com
Follow me on instagram @mzpanton
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