I cannot stress this topic enough. It is very important to look great when doing whatever you're doing but, if the only thing you have going for you is your looks you may have a major problem. Don't just be one of that girls waiting for someone to buy her those clothes and to "maintain" her lifestyle. It is always great to have someone to take care of you but, always make sure that you can take care of yourself if he leaves.
The number one stereotype I cannot stand held by many business persons is that once a woman is beautiful and well dressed she will not be a good business woman. People generally just think that once you look that great, you should just be some trophy wife who has no place thinking about business. This being said, women you have to work harder to be respected, some of you need to stop acting like you are brain dead! Act like you have some common sense in a boardroom, always be prepared and for God sakes don't sleep your way to the top...unless the boss is you husband *laughs*