Thursday, 28 August 2014

Cyberbullying- Advice and Rant

Welcome back!

I was not really planning to talk about this anytime soon. But, I just had to. It is becoming such a major problem now.
So, I am just strolling on instagram(follow me @mzpanton) looking at pictures and I am shocked at the amount of  hate and negative energy out there. As I look at a picture of some random pretty girl on the popular page, I can just check for the mean comments under her pictures. The worse part about this to me is the fact that half of the people saying hateful stuff do not even know the person personally. Why would you just write random profanity under a person's picture you don't know?

For me, the only reason I can find that people would do this is simply because they want to have that person's life. They are jealous.
Just imagine these people are commenting that a person should go kill themselves!
How does that even sound justifiable in your head. To make matters worst some people call this freedom of speech. No, this is straight cyberbullying. Many of these people would not have to courage to say the same thing to a person's actual face.

This entire cyberbullying thing just annoys the heck out of me. Thank God, I have never experienced it. I do not promise that I would be as calm.

If you are one of those people taking part in this trend please stop.

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Instagram- @mzpanton

*Note not all pictures on this blog are owned by us.

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