Saturday 25 November 2017

Is he the right guy for you?

If you are courting, in a relationship or even dating we ask ourselves 'is this person right for me' at least once in that relationship.
For some it may be hard to figure out. I have been through situations where I had to think hard on this topic. I truly believe committing to the wrong person can lead you down a destructive path.

So today, I'm here to provide some tips at to things to consider in answering this question.

1. Does he/ she encourage you to be a better person?

It is of extreme importance for us to look the fact that our partner doesn't encourage us to become better persons. This is a big red flag and if she do not become better we are essentially getting worse. It is not worth it to be with someone and not grow to your full potential. 

2. Does this person emotionally and financially drain you?

Many relationships that we experience may entail some emotional abusive components as well as financially negative components. I believe that for a relationship to work each person has to give there all. If an individual is emotionally abusive or condescending that is a big red flag to me. Negative behavior no matter what will eventually get you down. It is not worth it let it go!

I also have to speak on the financial aspect as well. Coming from a Caribbean culture it is emphasized greatly that a male should take care of his partner. In many cases a woman who takes care of a man financially is considered a 'fool.'
For this topic, I simply apply the 50/50 rule. In an economy such as this one it is simply not practical for the average man to spend all of his earnings on his partner. I do believe a man should take care of his household but, there still needs to be balance. You cannot be wealthy and he is starving. I also appeal to females that if you see that your man is in financial difficulties you can also help. I do not believe in paying his rent and bills but if he has proven himself to you you can return the favor.

3. Do you see yourself spending the rest of your life with this person?

Is this person the ideal individual you would like to get married to?
Do you two speak of the future?
Do you see yourself having children with this person?
Does this person even want children?

When entering into a more serious relationship your really have to look into the future and analyse if you really see a future with this person. 

4. Do you have similar life goals?

You may as 'what does this have to do with anything?' For me if you are a goal oriented individual it is best to find someone who is the same. It tends to pose a problem if one person sets high standards for themselves whilst/ the other may be lacking ambition. 
Jamaican mothers many times say 'no take up no man wid no ambition.' 
In many cases what may happen is that one partner may end up holding back the other or it simply ends badly.

5. Is your family fond of  him?

For me family is a big part of my life and we have many family events, this being said it would be a deal breaker if family doesn't like you. For me, my family is very friendly so for them not to like you it is a big deal.

Disclaimer: you have to look at the type of family that you have and the reasons that they have for not liking this person. If the reasons are minor and you see yourself being with this person do not stop your relationship for anyone.

6. Your partner is accepting of who you are.

He/ she loves everything about you even the weird parts. This a positive sign as this means the person truly accepts you for who you are and you can truly be who you are around them. This is a must in every lasting relationship. You cannot try to change a person into what you want them to be.

These are just some points to look at but I also must state the importance of following your heart. Don't let anyone stop you from loving that special one.

Yours truly,


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Please note that many pictures and videos posted are not the property of this blog and are merely used for entertainment purposes.

Sunday 19 November 2017

New Beginnings

I'm a bit nervous to start blogging again...more like extremely nervous. It has been so long since my last blog post.
I just think I had lost passion for blogging and I needed to find myself before I could start again.

Looking at myself now so much has changed about me. If I can say so myself I am  full on woman!
Maturity and life has surely set it. I spend my days working and my nights I use to pursue a law
degree in about being busy.

For all who are just visiting my blog I would like to introduce myself to you.

I am a blogger born and bred in Jamaica. I am passionate about my family, my life and love. I believe that one should always try to achieve their goals and never stop until you get that.
I love the idea of being in love even though I think I have never been there. I love all things beauty and as such my blog will encompass all of this.

I do have a lot on my plate but I feel the need to take on my passion for blogging once more.

I'm sure that this can one day help someone or at least provide some entertainment for the time to go by.

Hey I may not be the best writer out there but, I am giving you the best that I have. The content may not be the same as in previous years but it shows the growth in me. I will try to have at least one post every week on set topics.

Enjoy the journey and I hope you will be reading every blog post!

Yours truly

Toni-Shae Panton (for business enquiries or advice)

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Life Update: New Job, Frustration, Relationships

Welcome back readers. I know I have been such a horrible blogger, I couldn't even remember when last I posted. But I decided I was finally going to take time out to blog.

Job changes

Let me start by just updating you on my life. I have officially started a new job and best believe me it has surely been a test. Everyday is another learning experience. Since the beginning of this job I have been through it all, even disrespect and jealousy. But, that is a whole other blogpost. One morning I was even in tears, I just did not want to go to work that day. It sounds so immature hearing it back right now. 
What keeps me sane is to look at it all as a learning experience. Best believe this job keeps me on my knees. I am always praying. 
So, if you are reading this and going through the same thing just know that everything is for a reason. Your later will be greater. Hold on and you will see what will happen. Also, never stop until improvement comes.


I am the new face of the single believe it. But with that said, everyday I learn something new about myself. Some of them good but others not so good. Surely I have learned to always focus on self improvement, self love and awareness don't wait on others to make you happy. If you do you will forever be sad. 
People always keep telling me that my standards are high*laughs*. That is surely not a bad thing for me. Never settle for foolishness because you will be the one dealing with it

Everyone I promise to make at least one blog post a week and maybe even youtube videos. Thank you to the loyal persons who have kept visiting my blog.

Happy New Year to you all. I wish you love and happiness. 
Also, just wondering am I the only one without resolutions this year? I don't even know if that is a good or bad thing. I am taking everyday as they come.

Don't forget to share with friends.


Toni-Shae Panton

Follow me on instagram and keep interactive @mzpanton
If you are interested on working with me contact me at

Saturday 6 September 2014

5 Guys that are the biggest waste of your time -Advice

I am back with another blog post on life.
I am here with 5 guys or just persons in general who are your biggest waste of time.
In life we have either dated one of these men or heard of them. After the relationship ends or even during the relationship your days are spent counselling. His ex is so distraught about his actions.
Today, I am going to help you spot the men you should avoid. Hopefully, this will help with your present or future love life. One thing we should all remember is to never put anyone above yourself. Unless you are religious, then it would be God or any other supreme being. Do what you know is best for you and always seek needed help.

5 Guys to avoid:

1. The womanizer- This is the guy that seems "oh so cool" and always claims he is never in a relationship. He always acts like he is too cool to show much emotion in public. Yet in private you are his "world" and only you two know there is a relationship because he does not want anyone is his "business."
The list could go on of the warning signs. In some recent times it has even become harder to find who they are. Some men do not display any signs.
Always remember to trust you instinct. If you are not comfortable leave.

2. Man afraid of commitment- Well...either he is never in a relationship and it always ends as a result of the actions of everyone else, never him. Or maybe he is one of those men dating women for years with no sign of a marriage or engagement in site. I even saw a case where a women dated a man for ten years before he worked oven commitment issues and finally proposed.
If you really love him do what you think if best.
I am telling you what I would do. Between 1-4 years you are suppose to figure out whether you want me to be your wife or not. Before you approached me you should have solved all of your problems.
To think about it this way, it is emotionally draining to try and think you can fix someone. Each man has to make a decision for himself or you will just be causing yourself unnecessary hurt.

3. The cheap guy- He is always complaining about money. His bills always seem to be the highest and he is always low on cash. There is always another reason for him to never buy you anything not even a birthday present.
I know some independent women want to buy their own things. I totally agree with that. But, I am from a family where the man should provide. There is no way I should be dating you and if I am ever in need I can never call you. I think that is a waste. It shows you what your marriage would be like. Have you ever heard of some wives complaining that their men don't provide. That is because many times he never had to do anything during the dating stage. Trust me the dating stage is when a man tries to impress you the most.
Also, do not think it is because of his income why he does not do certain things. I remember I met this guy once who was far from wealthy. He still made sure I never wanted for anything. I was not showered with designer gifts but, he still did the gentleman like thing.

4. The abusive man- Stay away from him. He is like poison. He wants you to spend your days with him and him alone. You should not have any friends and in some cases not even talk to family. At first you thought, the possessiveness was not too bad until he said some creepy line like he would kill himself if you left. This is a man to run from once you spot the signs. He will not change. He will only get worse.

5. Men who put you last- We have all heard of those stories everything else is before you whether in a relationship or marriage. He either spends most of his life with his business, his mother or his friends. Frankly you are tired of it and he does not seem to care. All I can say is tell him how you feel or leave. Some men will never change or you may not be as important to him as you think.
One other important thing to note is to ensure you are not being just too needy. If he is a businessman you cannot expect him to be calling you every five minutes.

Hope you enjoyed it! Share with your friends
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Thursday 28 August 2014

Cyberbullying- Advice and Rant

Welcome back!

I was not really planning to talk about this anytime soon. But, I just had to. It is becoming such a major problem now.
So, I am just strolling on instagram(follow me @mzpanton) looking at pictures and I am shocked at the amount of  hate and negative energy out there. As I look at a picture of some random pretty girl on the popular page, I can just check for the mean comments under her pictures. The worse part about this to me is the fact that half of the people saying hateful stuff do not even know the person personally. Why would you just write random profanity under a person's picture you don't know?

For me, the only reason I can find that people would do this is simply because they want to have that person's life. They are jealous.
Just imagine these people are commenting that a person should go kill themselves!
How does that even sound justifiable in your head. To make matters worst some people call this freedom of speech. No, this is straight cyberbullying. Many of these people would not have to courage to say the same thing to a person's actual face.

This entire cyberbullying thing just annoys the heck out of me. Thank God, I have never experienced it. I do not promise that I would be as calm.

If you are one of those people taking part in this trend please stop.

For business inquires email-


Instagram- @mzpanton

*Note not all pictures on this blog are owned by us.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Motivation for success!

Welcome back to my blog everyone.

Sorry for the lack of blog post lately. I really wanted to start making youtube videos. But it really was not working out.
Instead, I am just going to put my message in a blog post.

I am going to give everyone my advice when it comes to motivation for success.

In this present time where almost everyone is on social media or has some affiliation with it, it has lead to this 'grass is greener on the other sign syndrome.' Basically this means that when you look at another life you think of it as somewhat better than yours. In many cases we will see where this has lead to 'haters.'
In my opinion only person who are filled with jealousy speak negativity about others with no apparent reason.
Instead of speaking negativity, why not improve yourself and become successful.

Here are some basic rules that I have for persons trying to make it on the path of success.

1. Work smart not hard- This basically means that instead of spending hours on end to get a task done, efficiency should to used. With this we could find a way to get this same task done in a matter of minutes instead of hours with the same or greater level of accuracy.

2. Listen to the advice on how to make yourself better- Even though we should focus on the advice given to us, not all persons 'giving advice' actually mean good towards you. Also, some basically have no expertise in the field you are focusing on. Surely it would not make any sense to take their advice.

3.Do not let anyone demotivate you- This being said. I do not think your head should be in the clouds. You need to be very real with yourself with what you are doing. But some person are just spiritual dream killers on assignment. So, if you spot a person like that just move away.

4.Constantly improve yourself- Always look at your faults and try to fix them. If it is that you are under-qualified for a position you want go and fix that.

5. Always maintain a balance- Always remember the person who a behind you 100%. Never forget your family and the people you love after achieving success. If you are spiritual never for the God who gave these blessings to you.


For business inquires email me-

Follow me on instagram @mzpanton
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Monday 18 August 2014

The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! -Lisa Hanna

I'm Back!
I just had to share this video. For some reason everyone has been doing this ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I don't even know how this started but, when one of fav persons did it I just had to share. 

She is the Minister of Youth and Culture for Jamaica, former Miss Jamaica World and Miss World winner.

But, one thing that we need to remember if that this challenge is about donating. Giving to charities and educating others on persons suffering from Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). I pray that when people do this challenge they will actually donate to the cause.

Educate yourselves on the topic and enjoy!

Maybe one day I will try it :)



Saturday 12 July 2014

Update: Radio Interview, OOTD and life journey!

Life Journey

For the past month I have been through I slight rough patch. Do you guys know that moment where it feels like nothing is falling into place?
Trust me, it has had me down under for a while. But what keeps me going is the idea of thinking positively. I know this is easier said than done, but at least try it once in a while. Don't keep living the life of sadness. Depression is not easy to get out of. All I can say is always look for the silver lining and think positively.

Radio Interview
Last week I got the opportunity to do an interview. I was super excited because it would be the first time I would be on the radio. But it all took a turn for the worst when in the middle of the interview I made a slight grammatical error. I know I know for some it may have not been a big thing. But for me I felt like I had sunk to the bottom of the ocean. To this day I am still wondering if anyone heard it. *laugh*

I made a hand sewn dress!

I finally decided to try it and it came out pretty good. It took me an entire day! It's a pretty simple design but, I am happy with the result.

Congrats to my lovely friend Miss Veronica McMaster, who is Miss Global Jamaica this year!

Life never fails to be interesting!


Toni-Shae Panton

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Rules of the summer!

Summer has arrived and I'm here with the rules for the summer. It is quite important to learn summer etiquette because it seems that the world really needs it.

1. Wear shorts that fit- I know the summer is hot. But if you are a medium and you are wearing extra small pants you may need to revisit your wardrobe. Frankly no one wants to see your butt cheeks so please cover them. Save that for your significant other or something.

2. Don't spend more than you can afford- This is pretty self explanatory. You don't wanna go broke trying to live this lifestyle you simply cannot afford.

3. Ensure that your random hook ups are married- I may not one to condone random hook ups, but what ever you do is your business. But this is important to note. You don't wannabe messing with someone else's husband because karma is a bitch.

4. Take care of your skin- Heat can seriously damage your skin, so it is important to take the necessary precautions to prevent sun and heat damage.

5. Don't forget that manicure and pedicure- This is especially important for females. Ugly looking fingers and toes are not cute. Deal with them as early as possible to avoid embarrassment.

6. Wear body appropriate swimwear- I am all about having confidence is self but certain things should be noted. Ensure your swimsuit is the right size for you and that it can cover you properly. You do not need to be blinding people on the beach!



N. B: This blog does not own these photos.

The Wray and Nephew Contenders

Hey everyone! I hope you are doing great because I have :)

I just have to talk about this show that has seriously been a must watch for me. It is called the Wray and Nephew Contender. It deals purely with boxing, but this year it has been past exciting. Since this season has started there was never a dull moment which was kind of shocking for me. Realistically I thought that if I just watch boxing every week eventually it would get tired. But it actually has not. They have boxers from all over the Caribbean but it takes place in Jamaica.

The quality of boxers are great! Every week has proven to be past exciting and on top of that there is great eye candy.

Example 1 my fav Sakima Mullings

I'm predicting him to win this year.

Ladies and gentlemen I promise you that if you watch it you will never be disappointed. It's on Wednesdays on TVJ if you are in Jamaica. For overseas readers I think there is a live stream of the show.




Tuesday 20 May 2014


Like seriously  everybody, I have been scrolling on social media and there have just been some stories that I have seen that I just had to comment on. I mean this week has just been drama filled. It is worse than an episode of bad girls club.

1. Have you seen that picture that 13 year old willow posted with that 20 year old guy? I am sure you did. Guess what child protective services are investigating her parents! I am guessing they are just ensuring that Will and Jada Smith are good parents.

Well guys I don't know about you, but if I took a picture like that when I was 13 in Jamaica my parents would never be comfortable with it. This picture is highly suggestive. I think for 13 that child is under no control...I thought she was older than I am. *laughs*

'Probe': Will Smith and Wife Jada Pinkett Smith are reported to be under investigation by child services over this snap of their daughter Willow, 13, lying on a bed with Moises Arias, 20, which was posted to social media

2. Ray J gives Kim-K the best wedding gift ever.

There is never a dull moment with Ray-J around...that is for sure. Well I am sure you know Kim-K is getting married soon. Being the nice person Ray J is he decides to give her a wedding gift.
Knowing Ray J it is no ordinary gift. Turns out he gives her a cheque for $47K from the proceeds from their sex tape.
Talk about trying to rain on her parade!
Is Ray J trying to rain on her parade and gain even more popularity? I think so and it is working.

3. Rob Kardashian's weight gain.
This isn't a shocker to me but hey people are excited.
So Rob gained more weight...I do not know why it is such a big deal. I mean people are being catty and just downright rude and I do not get why. Some of these people criticizing do not even have a leg to stand on because they are bigger than he is.
All I am saying is that stop being mean. You do not know what he is going through. Before you talk try to walk a mile in another persons shoes.
One thing I am glad for is that his sister Khloe came to his defense. She did not just leave her brother out in the cold.

'I'm aware that I'm fat': Rob Kardashian hit back at people for making fun of his weight gain in a scolding Twitter tirade on Tuesday; he was pictured at LAX on Sunday while heading to Paris for sister Kim's wedding

4. Readers I am going to end on the happiest note ever! Ciara finally had her baby!

I am so happy for her. She made pregnancy look so easy. She looked fab in every picture.
Congrats to Ciara and her fiance Future.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!



Is he the right guy for you?

If you are courting, in a relationship or even dating we ask ourselves 'is this person right for me' at least once in that re...