Monday 22 April 2013


Hey Lovies :*
I am here to tell you about a movement has been spreading across Liverpool all they way to Essex, this is a new way for women to achieve those perfect boobs that they have always been longing for. The movement of the semi- permanent nipple tattoos also known as tittooing has began giving women their 'perfect nipples' that can last a life-time with regular top-ups.

Tittooing is a process which came about as a medical procedure for breast reconstruction. Now, it is being used by most a cosmetic procedure for women to darken, enlarge and define their nipples. 

Many women get this done because they don't like the fact that their nipples are too pink or their boyfriends want it done and they want to look better naked. This two hour procedure are now easily offered in salons all over the UK with most of the girls coming for the procedure being between the ages of 18 to 25. 
This procedure cost up to £1,200 for both nipples but only last for around 12- 18 months before it begins to fade.

So seriously now guys I know some people may be so in love with this and all, but just like vajazzling I think it is a complete was of money. I really don't think the color of your nipples are like a big deal. It is the biggest waste of money I think to spend £1,200 just to tattoo your yourself a new pair of shoes or something. 

And if your boyfriend is the one pressuring you to do that and you don't feel comfortable don't do it!  Love yourself and do it only because you want to do it.



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